Longer Stories

Now and then a story arrives that is way too long for the contest.  When a story is particularly interesting, but can’t be condensed, I still like to give the author recognition for his/her hard work.  Here I will post entries that I thought deserved some special attention, even though they didn’t fit into the contest guidelines.

“Riftwar Saga” by William Koshi

Chapter 1: Quarantined Dreams

Grim awoke to a wraithlike breeze that ebbed off the bluffs overlooking the dark woodlands. “Roan”, he murmured in a sleepy manner. The air, bitter and stale, took Grim aback. He sat up quickly.

“By Grenth’s hand, I have never felt anything this cold before.” He said while a small wisp of vapor exited his mouth.

The brisk atmosphere was unusual to him. The last thing Grim remembered was talking to Roan about his journey to the Jade Seas. “Roan are you here?” There was silence, only a faint echo of leaves rustling in the wind.  Grim stood up and brushed the dead leaves off his clothes. Each leaf tumbled to the soil like mini acrobats falling to their doom. The trees were elongated. They were not trees native to Elona. Their roots stuck out from ground each with a claw like manner to them. Each seemed to grasp at the ground as if they were about to rip up from the soil and stand. Grim looked up. The sky, cloudless and opaque, seemed torn.

“Where am I?” Grim thought to himself.

Only the faint silhouette of trees broke through the horizon. Grim gazed around to find a small cliff. He could hear water and faint bird calls. He decided to trek towards the coast. He walked slowly along the shore, listening to the low rumble of the sea’s seductive song. White foam fingers crept up to him, touching his bare feet and encircling his ankles. “Come in stranger, they beckoned playfully, come in and wash your sorrows away.” He stopped for a moment to admire the water, a rippling tapestry of regal blue that seemed to go on forever. However, Grim never stopped to admire anything before. His actions were as they should be noble and decisive.

“Why now?” he thought. “Why would I stop in the middle of nowhere to admire mere ripples in water?”

Grim was perplexed for a brief moment. Grim’s life is like a tattered cloth, bound together by many people and threaded by many ideas however, no matter how good or heroic the outcome. It was always the same, sadness and sorrow. He decided to walk further down the coastline.

As he walked the darkness seemed to get deeper and the dim light from the sun started to fade. “The sun”, he thought. “A sunset is a gift; however a sunrise must be earned.” He smiled as he said this because he remembered an old friend who would recite old quotes.

There was no one around. “Had I died somehow” Grim thought, “Was I sent to Underworld? Grim felt confused and dazed. It didn’t appear he would find an exit. The more he moved towards the light the darker it got. Grim decided to stop for a brief second to look around again. His eyes skimmed each and every outline like hawk searching for a prey. Grim then knelt down towards the sun to pray.

“Gods, the creators and preservers of all big and small, hear my cry, I beseech you, and may your spirits guide me away from these harsh lands.”

Grim spoke these words yet nothing happened. Grim felt somewhat upset. He decided to repeat those words once more, until he heard a noise. Grim turned around to find a small pathway. The pathway headed towards a small brush of trees. This path was worn a jagged. He stopped after a few minutes of wandering down the cobble stone way to catch his breath. The air seemed suffocating. Grim then suddenly moved forward, but not willingly, there was a presence at work here, ushering him forward. As Grim moved through the brushes of shade he heard a deafening bellow. It sounded familiar. The sound was so close, yet so far.

Grim stopped to pinpoint the source but the noise stopped. Grim turned around, he felt eyes watching him. Nevertheless, he could not see anything through the emptiness. Then a subtle hand caressed the side of his face. He heard a giggle. He turned to catch a glimpse. Nevertheless, he didn’t see anything. Grim was starting to feel irritated. He did not want to play. Or feel like a puppet.

“Whoever is out there listening, I don’t like to play games. I am not afraid of you. Show yourself.

But his words just echoed into the vast oblivion. Then he saw someone, or something approaching through the gloom.

“Are you responsible for me being here?” Grim asked forcefully.

However, the individual didn’t say anything. “I will repeat did you bring me here?” Grim said clutching his fist. Now realizing he did not have his scythe. The stranger slowly approached.

“Halt or your death will arrive.”

But the stranger did not stop. Just then the giggle returned. And Grim was slapped across his cheek.

“Foolish mortal you can’t kill what’s dead.” A voice echoed through the darkness. But it was not from the stranger, it was coming from somewhere else.

” I will not remind you again, stop or be hurt!”

Just then a rush blood flowed to Grim’s head. He tried to shake the feeling. But he couldn’t. Grim fell to the ground. His body became limp and crippled.

“What the…”

But before he said another word he felt the same coldness from earlier return. It felt as if a thousand needles pierced the back of Grim’s skull each pinpointing his nerves and arteries. The strange figure moved closer. Grim tried to get to his feet, yet no matter what he did he could not manage to stay balanced. Then the stranger approached and spoke. But the words were unclear. Grim could not understand a single word; he looked up holding his head in agony. Grim started to swing, but his attacks were unfocused and inaccurate.

“Do not touch me!” Grim bawled.

Tears streamed from his eyes each making small groves and canyons on the surface of his face. Nonetheless, Grim kept his eyes transfixed on the stranger. The statue of the being was one of Razah’s but so unfamiliar. It wore a black and blood stained red cloak. The scarlet drops of ornaments formed a ghastly grim across the décolletage of the entity. The colors were so vibrant in the dark.

“Strange?” Grim thought.

The stranger held an obsidian-like staff. There were inscriptions embedded on the staff with small carvings of people on it. Each person, uncovered, was chained down by shackles. The chains spun around the staff in an infinite spiral. The staff hummed in the cold embrace of the air. The sleeves of the individual were rooted with gems unfamiliar to Grim. The stranger had an eerie composure to them. Grim thought this individual was a necromancer. Then the stranger lifted their hood.

The face of the individual was a harsh one looking as if stepped out of The Desolation. It was angular and thin. The skin stretched tightly across the pronounced bones of the cheeks and chin, and blue veins were visible through this almost bleach white complexion. The expression was cordial like air surrounding them. The mouth was a thin skeletal line stretching across his face. The eyes were a translucent blue pool of visions. The visions, however, did not seem to belong to the being.

“Who are you?” Grim said in a rasping tone.

“We are death.” The stranger said.

“What do you mean we are death? YOU do not appear to…” Grim was cut off.

“You do not have to believe us Grim Mortbane son of Argus.” in a tone of a snake.

“How do you know my name?”

The stranger said nothing. Grim tried to hold himself up to look at this strange man, but pain persisted.

The man bent down and revealed his five scissor-like fingers to Grim. Grim looked at the stranger and asked. “What do you plan on doing with me? Do you work for the Charr or the Margonites, or…”

“He doesn’t work for anyone, silly!” the girlish voice responded.

Grim was now extremely agitated. “And who are you?”

“I’m not your concern right now big boy; you should keep your eyes on the talk and dark man headed your way. Oh wait?!… You can’t move.” The voice said jauntily.

Grim felt helpless lying on the ashen dead ground crucified without his scythe. He felt like a fly caught in a spider’s web. The strange man, now at the chest of Grim began slowly ripping through his clothes. Grim watched as the being torn each ribbon of fabric. He could do nothing but watch. Grim cursed and muttered words in the air. Nevertheless, it was futile. Then Grim felt a pain he never felt before. His torso was sliced opened. Grim watched as the scissor-like finger pierced into his flesh. Grim yelled loud into the departed space. But blood was filling up his lungs.

“Oh I love it!” Then next to the man appeared a young girl, maybe 16. Her silky burgundy hair pinned up into two ponytails was curled at the ends. They dangled around like tassels. Her small miniscule pale white face was that of a porcelain doll. Her dark auburn eyes gazed at Grim. She smiled.

“Why do you have all the fun?” As she said this her black dress tossed to one side. Grim saw her long stockings alternating in colors. Grim could feel his innards being ripped and torn, he slowly faded. The process was slow and painful. He felt his very essence drift away into the darkness. He didn’t feel cold anymore.

Then a light materialized. The man and young girl swiftly moved to the side of Grim trying to avoid the radiant light. The light pierced through the dark, and shattered it. “Oh no the party poopers have arrived.” The girl said with a frown. The light appeared to shield Grim. It felt warm and comfortable. He started to squirm a little. And he could feel his womb was slowly closing.

“Dwayna have you come for me?” Grim said out of breathe. There was no response just a small droning noise.

Grim stood fist clutched and turned to the two individuals.

“Vahl I think the Dervish is mad,” the young girl said sticking out her tongue. “We don’t care, we are hungry!” The man exclaimed.

Then a translucent wall appeared in front of Grim. And a man stood beside him. He was hidden in a white hooded cloak. He was demeanor was that of a Vabbian scholar. The light seemed to radiate from within him. All Grim could see is his mouth surfacing underneath from the brim of the hood. His top was ornate. His sleeves were long and dropped to the ground. Grim was extremely impressed.

“Leave the Dervish be.” The mysterious stranger responded.

“Rei, why do you always take the fun out of things?” The young girl pointed a silver chrome wand at the strange person.

Then the trees awoke each stretching out their branches and safeguarded him. “You know why Amy.” A woman appeared from the shadows. Her body was covered by small wood branches and flowers. Her hair was braided into one long strand that was suspended in the air. She almost resembled Melandru. She was tall yet graceful. Her moves were very majestic looking. She moved with the trees. Each stride was like a tree swaying the wind.

“Let’s leave Vahl.” The young girl said as she slowly retreated into the shadows. “We will see you again Grim very soon.”The evil man said. Then he and the girl vanished.

“What in the world is happening” Grim demanded. “Your world is in great danger.” The woman spoke her voice was tintinnabulous.”

“All in due time,” the man said. “Step through the darkness and light, there you will find salvation.” Then Grim was blinded by light. He then awoke dazed and confused. His face and chest wet and sheets equally damped. He sat up holding his head feeling his body for scars. There was nothing. Was that a dream? He thought to himself. “But it felt so real.”

Chapter 2: The Wind Walker

Early that morning Grim sat in the Consulate Docks pondering over his dream. Roan, his Char son, was nearby chasing fireflies.

“That was a dream, I know it was.” Grim felt he should just relax and forget about the stupid dream. “Roan please let us go, it’s time for you to go to school.”

“But Papa, I want to fight like you. I want to be great warrior, who moves through air, and swing sword and yell. Me like yell.” The young Charr said playfully.

“I like, not me like, Roan. So, you are fighting that firefly?” Grim said smiling softly. He took him into Kamadan City, and escorted Roan to class, dropping him off with Durmand the town Historian and teacher. Grim decided to head back to his quarters to spar with Anthony and Fend. When he arrived he saw that they were arguing as usual.

“No, I left that last Drake Kabob for me and you ate it!”

“Fend you know perfectly well I did not eat that filth.” Anthony responded. “Oh now you call my food filth. If it wasn’t for my food you would’ve starved out there in The Falls!” Fend said sharply.

“Guys, please shut up!”Grim said. Grim wished he was with Gabriel and Starr his siblings, who were on a journey finding an elusive dragon that lived far above Shiverpeaks. “Dude, you need to chill.” Fend said smugly. “Anthony and I were just kidding around.”

“I think Grim is feeling a little lonely,” Anthony said. “Grim, when was the last time you got laid.”Grim turned quickly to Anthony and picked up his scythe and put it at the neck off Anthony’s rose colored collar. “The next time you hear the word laid you’ll be laying down, knocked out, on the ground,” Grim responded. Fend was trying to contain his laughter. “Dude was I kidding, man what got you so worked up in the morning?” Anthony asked as he slowly sat down. “I’m sorry Anthony and Fend, but I had this dream…or thought it was a dream.”

“Oh no, you had one of those, I had this dream and it was so vivid I thought it was real. I had one of those before, but it was me and Livia alone…” Fend stopped as he saw Grim hold his scythe even tighter. “Grim ignore Fend he eats too much Drake meat it makes him horny.”Grim could tell his friends did not understand his current situation. Later that day he decided to send Roan off to his grandmother in Vabbi, for a few weeks, and Fend graciously accepted to take him. Vabbi had an assortment of sweets and more importantly Drake Kabob. Meanwhile he and Anthony got ready for the upcoming tournament.

The tournament invited all people from far and wide to participate in the Kamadan Showdown.
Grim approached the citizen’s entrance to the town a small gate in the wall, large enough for two men abreast to pass through without difficulty. The larger gate was massive, easily 30 feet across to allow the larger caravans to enter with ease. Wishing to cross the threshold without any problem, Grim and Anthony slipped through the gate with another group, blending into them briefly until he had left the gate behind. He moved with them then, and followed them into a nearby hall.

Many people came from all parts; from Asurans to Luxons, from Tyrians to Norn even Charr were competing.

“Look Grim, those Charr think they’re hot stuff. I can’t wait to see them go against the Norn. I wouldn’t mind going up against them either. They’ll lose. I don’t know why the elders allowed them passage.”

“Enough Anthony, everyone has a right to enter.”

“Just because you think not all Charr are not evil, doesn’t mean that everyone shares that view. I love Roan too, but one day he’ll get bigger and question his origin. Once he sees the history between Charr and man, he’ll hate us all.”

“Anthony you are blind to the world. The gods created everyone equally under their image; you do not have the right to judge them unless you judge the Gods themselves.”

Just then a group of Charr nearby heard Grim’s words. “You speak of false words Dervish. Charr have no Gods,” one huge Charr said. He was wearing heavy silver plated armor, with numerous spikes twisting from it. He wore on gauntlet that had a red radiant glow emerging from it. Your comrade is right, we are not the same nor will we ever be.”

“Darkclaw, please don’t argue right now we are here under peace.” A female Charr spoke. “Lyl do not speak while I speak.” The Charr growled back. Anthony, who lost everything in the searing, was ready to attack the Charr. “Say the word Grim, and I’ll roast this Charr.”

“Calm yourself Charr; you wouldn’t want to be disqualified so early.” A young man said. Grim saw a young man dressed in a highly structured suit, all in black. The sleeves bore a symbol of a dragon on them. His collar was sophisticatedly laced and cuff links well polished. A crimson colored theatre mask covered his face. Only his hazy brown eyes were seen. He approached with a young lady right beside him. She wore a long satin jade dress. Her long silky black hair shined in the light. Her complexion was that of a ripe peach. Her hair went way pass her shoulders down to her hips. She was holding a fan, with Canthan scriptures on it. The Charr looked at the man for a second then turned away.

“Come Lyl.” The Charr ruffed. Grim could still hear the Charr muttering curses underneath his breathe.

“Thank you sir, but I did not need your help,” Grim said.

“Oh, I know Mr. Mortbane, but I would hate for those Charr to leave so early, before the match even started. “How do you…,”Grim spoke before he was cut off.

“How do I know your name? Am I very sorry let me introduce myself.” The young man bowed and took off his mask. “I am Qinshan Lan and this is my sister Chi-Fang Lan.” She bowed and looked away from Grim. Grim was stunned by her beauty, never before did he see such a lovely being. She hid her face behind the fan away from Grim. She did not speak or even cough. Qinshan’s hair was neatly placed to one side, yet the color was the most extravagant thing. It seemed to be three or four different hues of brown and burgundy.

“We come from Cantha, the reason I know of you is because my late uncle Minsheng Togo Lan. Most called him Master Togo. He told us of you.”

“It is an honor to meet you,” Grim said kindly.

“No, the honor is ours Mr. Mortbane,” Qinshan replied.

“Well don’t forget me!” Anthony said looking at Chi-Fang. “I am Anthony Vague, but you can call me Anthony.” Anthony tried to kiss her hand, but Qinshan abruptly interrupted.

“Well Mr. Anthony, sir, we don’t seem to have the time to chat, Chi-Fang let’s go.” Qin and Chi both walked away weaving into the crowd. They seemed to have vanished completely. “Man, Grim I don’t like that Qinshi Wa, whatever fellow, he is too pompous, but his sister is easy on the eyes,” Anthony said while still drooling. But Grim had a weird feeling about Chi-Fang, she was quiet and mysterious. Not once did she stare at Grim. Grim turned away to listen to the announcer speak:

“Thank you all for coming, please enjoy the festivities and enjoy your stay. Let the glorious sun harbor in a  new day of peace and prosperity. We are honored to have you all here. However, there is one rule; there  will be no fighting amongst others here. Please leave that for the tournament. If any official finds out  anyone has been fighting they will be disqualified. That is all. Let the tournament begin!”

Hours went by as Grim watched the fights. Numerous individuals showed their combatant skills. Grim watched one match against an Ebon Vanguard Assassin, named Anton go against a Norn named Olaf. That match went on for a long time, each individual would not let up. The assassin was very clever; he warped and dodged into smoke clouds. The Norn was solid and rugged, and when he transformed into a bear his roar shook the stadium walls. But eventually the assassin tired the huge Norn, and Lotus Strike ended it. Grim decided to check the boards to see who he was to face. He saw that he was to face a Charr warrior. Moreover, to his amazement it was the one he met earlier, Darkclaw. Grim was not worried at all. He wanted to retain the honor for Roan. He knew some people in the village didn’t approve of Roan, but it struck him as odd to hear a Charr talk such words. Grim felt that he gave the Charr some hope and dignity. He did not want to receive credit. But he did not to be an outcast or bad person for helping others. Grim quickly sat back down to watch the next match, while Anthony approached.

“Grim did you see?”

“See what?” Grim asked.

“What you mean, what, my match that’s what.” Grim looked up at Anthony who was staring at him with a profound dislike in his eyes. “Man, I thought you saw my match, where were you?”

“I was watching the matches here. And I didn’t see your match.”

“My match was in the Churrhir fields not here, they have two open stadium spots Grim not just here. I thought you knew that. But anyway, you should have seen me. I went up against this noob monk. He tried to smite me to death but I Meteor blasted him back into next week. Grim turned his attention back to the match, while Anthony babbled on. Then suddenly Grim saw him, the guy in his dream.

“That’s him Anthony!”


“The strange guy in my dreams.” Grim forgot he stopped trying to tell Anthony about his dream earlier. The announcer took to the podium and spoke:

And from the lovely city of Rata Sum the great air elementalist Vekk. A blast of cheering Asurans filled the  air. The sound was almost a defying screech. And from parts unknown? The announcer looked confused  for a second and went down to speak to the stranger. When he returned he continued. From parts  unknown, Rei. Only silence filled the air.

One Norn who sat next to Grim scoffed at the sight of the stranger. “I bet that little one will trample the big one. Then a Vabbi noble spoke and said “Which one?” They both laughed, but Grim wasn’t laughing his eyes were transfixed on the heavy hooded individual. The white cloth the stranger wore seemed to glow a little, but not as vibrant as in the dream. Then the horns were blown. Vekk already started on the offensive. He summoned a few lighting bolts in the direction of Rei. But he did not move. Nevertheless, the bolts were deflected somehow. He shot numerous spells and incantation towards Rei. However, all of his attacks seemed vain.

“Move you Booka!” Vekk jeered as he conjured a huge storm above his head. Grim watched as Rei just stood there doing nothing. Vekk was summoning a Maelstrom towards Rei. Huge clouds of blue and red smoke hovered over Vekk’s head, and then with a subtle flicker of his wand it blew its way towards him.

“Grim it looks like your mystery man is a goner.” Grim knew Anthony was wrong. “Do something!” Grim spurted out accidently. Rei looked up directly at Grim. “Hey stranger I don’t know who told you would win just by standing there, they were dead wrong, like you are going to be.” Vekk smiled. Grim knew Rei could fight but he just stood lifeless. The tempest surrounded the entire arena. Grim had to hold his hood down from flying around. And he saw Anthony looking thrilled. When the storm settled Vekk was down on the ground. This came to a surprise to everyone. No one saw what happened.

“He cheated!” One Asuran yelled. Grim could tell that the Asurans did not like that one bit. Grim turned back to field to see Rei still standing in the same spot. An Istani official came upon the field to look at Vekk.

“He’s alright. The winner of this round is Rei!” There were boos and heckles from the crowd. Only the Charr seemed amused.

Grim got up quickly, as soon as he saw Rei slowly exiting the arena. “Grim where you are going?” Anthony asked. “I’ll return,” Grim responded. Grim moved hastily towards the arena exit to catch up to Rei. When he arrived at the gate no one was there. “Where did he go?” Grim thought.

“We meet again Grim.” Grim turned around to face him. “Why are you here, I mean you are not real, you were in my dreams.” Rei said nothing he just stood there. Grim was starting to dislike Rei. He was too quiet. “Answer me!” Grim yelled. Just then an extremely old monk from the Shing Jea Monastery approached. He was escorted by two younger monk scholars.

“Excuse me sir, but did I see you use the Basho Vigu out there on the field.” Rei turned around lifted his hood and bowed. Grim could now see him for the first time. His skin was the color of rich caramel. He had smooth almond shaped lips. His head, bald, glistened in the sun. But his eyes were white as snow. He was blind.

“Yes wise one,” Rei responded.

The monk soon kneeled to the ground as if Rei was a god. “Why do you bow to him monk?” Grim asked. “That spell has not been used in over a millennium Dervish. And not many could perform it.

Grim didn’t see any spell being used in the arena. All he saw was Rei standing. Maybe the storm blocked his sight.

“Only the ancients and the gods were able to use that spell. There is a myth that states that wanderers will return to save the lands from and even more ancient foe.” Grim looked at Rei, and Rei turned to Grim. It was as if he knew Grim was watching him. “That spell was known as the Wind Walker,” the monk said. Grim stood there as Rei covered his face from the sun.

“We will see each other again Grim, don’t worry.”` Then Rei vanished right in front of him. Grim was left there in a daze, as the monks slowly departed.

Chapter 3: The Enigmas

Anthony found a caravan that came from Cantha that turned into a tavern. He wanted to show Grim a unique drink found in the House Zu Heltzer. Outside was a beggar who was filthy. His shirt was completely covered in sweat, and the massive rolls of his excess skin clearly visible through the thin material and the gross abuse that he had put his body through over the years exceedingly clear. He stunk horribly, much like one would expect from rotting meat, or decaying food and Grim could barely stand next to him. Hopefully the man did not linger in his admission. The man took a deep breath and suddenly, with effort unconceivable from such an obese man he let out a long flurry of words, his sentences blurring together in a barely legible phrase.

“Anthony, why did you bring me here?”

“I wanted you to be well cultured.” Grim looked at Anthony with a befuzzled looked. When they entered the tavern Grim saw that it was quite beautiful. The floor was smooth and green. It mirrored Grim’s image. It was made from jade. Each seat was decorated in an attractive red fabric. There were small chandeliers that were jeweled incrusted. There was an older gentleman sitting down. He wore a brown leather coat, and brimmed hat. His small bifocals were tinted a faint mustard color. He was writing something down on parchments, while a small phoenix sat on his lap. The phoenix looked odd; it did not look like its Canthan cousins. It was pure white only a few rouge tail feathers gently swayed in the air. It looked like a baby. Grim then saw the man’s quill was the exact color and shape of the phoenix’s tail. There were many magical beings in the tavern. Grim and Anthony sat down in a small quiet area. A young waitress came up to them and asked for their orders. Anthony ordered all the things he thought sounded good. Grim only ordered a small glass of black tea.

“Black Tea!” Anthony said with distaste. You could just have order that in Kamadan. Grim was still contemplating about Rei. Just then Qinshang and Chi-Feng appeared.

“Greetings Mr. Mortbane and Mr. Anthony.”

“Hi.” Anthony said while looking imprudently at Chi-Fang.

“I heard that you met some stranger from beyond Mr. Mortbane.”

“Just call me Grim, and yes. Do you know of this person?” Grim asked curiously.

“I don’t know much, but there were stories circulating around that a new threat has emerged way past the Jade Seas further south. However, I cannot be sure about the information. Because, for most part it came from Am Fah agents, who are criminals, and most likely wanted attention.

The young waitress returned with four plates and glasses.

“How did you know they were coming?” Anthony asked the waitress.

“Please excuse my intrusion, but I told her to. We saw you enter and thought it would be nice to join you. I hope it did not cause you trouble Anthony?” Qinshang asked.

“Please call me Mr. Anthony.” Grim raised his hand to signal that everything was fine. They ate and conversed over their different journeys. Anthony was going on about his experiences in the Fissure of Woe. While Qinshang talked about his battles in the Deep. They kept on competing with each other while Grim tried to get eye contact with Chi-Fang. Chi-Fang excused herself and left out the tavern. Grim decided to follow her. When he arrived outside he bumped into the Charr, Darkclaw.

“Oh look who it is, the Derv.”

“Step aside Charr I don’t have the time.”

“You do not order me human, no one orders Charr! I heard you are fond of our kind. You have a little runt running around your house believing he is human. But one day he will find out about, all your lies. He is Charr, and he’ll eventually turn against you and kill you. However I cannot wait that long, nor can I wait for the arena.”

Then the Charr pulled out a long silver blade and pointed it at Grim. “Don’t test me Charr.” Grim held his scythe ready to strike the Charr. Grim was tired of being harassed constantly, plus he was itching for a fight. Charr swung his sword fiercely at amazing speed.  But Grim’s swings were just as amazing. The both locked up, sizing each other. The Charr pulled out a small dagger and threw it at Grim. Grim ducked and hurled himself at Darkclaw. They fought for what seemed for an eternity until Grim used Pious Fury and Dust Cloaked his way to victory. When the wind settled, there was blood spilled on the ground from both of them. Little did they know that they had a small crowd watching their battle. And even more surprisingly was that one of those spectators was an official. Later that night Grim received news that he and Darkclaw were both disqualified for breeching rules. Grim pounded his fist into the wall of his hut.

“I should’ve known better than to let my emotions get the best of me.”

“It wasn’t your fault man; I would’ve done the same thing,” Anthony said. Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

“Enter.” Grim said cautiously.

Chi-Fang entered holding what appeared to be an Igboa leaf. “I am sorry for the intrusion, but may I speak to Mr. Mortbane alone.” Anthony who was extremely shocked and disappointed left without saying a word. “Please sit.” Grim said as he looked at Chi-Fang take out a small vial of oil and apply it to the leaf.

“Please Mr. Mortbane, shirt off.” Grim looked really mystified, but he never said no to a lady who wanted to take his shirt off yet, so why start now. So he took it off.

“Before you get any ideas, I am here to help your wounds heal, nothing else. If you didn’t follow me you wouldn’t be hurt.” Grim said nothing he just looked at her. She rubbed the oil all over Grim’s broad chest and shoulders. She asked him to turn over, so she could get his back. “Chi-Feng does your brother know?”

“No he does not.” She replied.

“Do you do this often?”Grim asked.

“Do what?” Chi-Feng asked. “Oil half naked strangers for healing.”She softly nudged a bruised area with her fist. “Oww!” Grim responded. She lightly giggled and turned her face away. Grim sat up about to touch her when they heard a scream. There was a rumbling sound outside. Grim quickly put back on his top and Chi-Fang and him opened the door and looked outside. Grim saw many phantomlike creatures appear and disappear. Everyone was running in panic. Grim saw some paragons try to hold off what appeared as giants. He could hear the cries and shouts “Incoming!” Little children were screaming. One girl was being attacked by an unusual looking creature, which resembled a huge hyena. Grim headed towards the vile creature. He lifted his scythe and cut the head off. The hideous beast still seemed alive and its head reattached. “Bathalzaar give me strength.” Just then a yellow haze caught Grim by surprise. He wasn’t able to move. It came from a phantom. Qinshang then appeared and casted a purple haze which shackled the phantom down. The beast turned to Chi-Fang, who began to gasp. Grim ran in front blocking the beast. His scythe slashed at the beast again. A sharp pain came from Grim’s shoulder. There were hooded beings on wyverns casting spells. Darkclaw leaped into the air and tackled one down. Grim was surprised. “Don’t think I was trying to save you Derv, I just want to be the one to kill you.” Grim heard the Tengu bark orders to close the gates. An Asuran by the name of Oola summoned some kind of mechanical warrior to aid, while guards escorted the officials to safety.

A phoenix call hit the air. Grim turned around to see the man in the tavern command what seemed to be a giant phoenix to take down the wyverns. The phoenix was darker than the one he saw earlier. It was completely black, with red eyes. The phoenix grasped onto a wyvern rider and dropped it towards the ground. Grim glanced back around to see the beast still charging his way. Grim swirled and swooshed gracefully around the beast, causing the beast to become agitated. The beast opened its enormous teeth. Grim tumbled and dived out of the way his movements were timely and had to be accurate. The beast lunged forward once again, but Grim was ready he threw his scythe into the air, flipped onto the huge beast’s back, grabbed his scythe as it fell like a guillotine and slit its throat. He turned to Chi-Fang.

“Are you okay?”

“Yes thank you” then she screamed “Ahhhhh!!!”

One of those riders shot something at her, and she fell to ground. Grim watched as Chi-Fang fell. It seemed as if her soul was stripped from her.

“Chi-Fang!” Qinshang yelled. Grim could tell he was upset. Grim saw him slowly chant words. Then his sleeve lit up. And the dragon symbols slowly came to life. Grim had never before seen such a thing. He thought Qinshang was a Mesmer, how could he summon such a creature? The dragon slowly coiled into the air and blazed the sky. However, those creatures kept coming. They were raining black and blue in the sky.

Grim saw Qinshang was in a very flustered state. He was hit by one of the phantoms, who snuck up behind him. He saw Anthony in the distance holding back the giant warriors. Huge meteors came crashing down, each knocking a giant in the arms, head, and shoulders. Grim prayed for Dwayna’s assistance, but was interrupted and knocked to the ground. He lay next to the lifeless Chi-Fang. A huge black figure appeared. It was wielding a flamberge that radiated a clamor in the atmosphere. It spoke.

“Vahl and Amy send their regards.”

It lifted the sword to strike and Chi-Fang awoke. Her eyes glowed bright red. She stood and faced the demonic being. She pulled out a long strap from her waist. She wielded the long cherry colored whip. “Begone you demon.”

Her whip cracked against the sky. Crimson flames surrounded her feet and seared the ground engulfing the sinister being. It tried to escape but she persistently cornered it and killed it, wrapping the whip across the throat. She did not stop, her anger exploded across the ground. Then Rei appeared hundreds of spirits were pulled from Rei. His eyes glowed ominously against the blackness. Each spirit encircled Rei. He began to chant words unknown to Grim; the spirits were doing the same. Then pillars of light rained down from the sky and engulfed each creature. Grim watched as each creature slowly vanished or retreated. Rei touched Chi-Fang’s head, and she slowly faded. Grim was feeling sleepy suddenly, his head felt warm. When he touched the back of it he was bleeding. “No!” He thought. And Grim Mortbane fell unconscious.

Chapter 4: The Planes of Jenis

When he awoke he found himself not in Kamadan, but somewhere else. A fair-skinned lady approached holding a small cloth and a bow of water. Grim sat up, but felt his body ache. Grim was tired of these new feelings. Yes he wanted to do new things, but this was ridiculous. He saw gray dusty columns line up. The sky was much clearer than last night.

“Lady where am I?” Grim asked as she slowly cleaned his face. “You are nowhere.”

“What!” Grim said loudly. He was tired of silly riddles, and mysterious strangers, and not being told the truth. Rei appeared and spoke.

“Aion please let me speak to him.” Grim was feeling a little relieved, now he could get answers. Grim started the conversation.

“Don’t give me that riddle-like jargon Rei,” said Grim.

Rei smiled.

“As you wish. Grim your world is just a little place within a huge space. In others words, there are more civilizations out there. Vast and wide and beyond. There are many creatures in which you have not yet seen young one. Grim looked at Rei. Grim knew he was middle aged, but Rei looked younger than him.

“I believe you feel confused Grim. I am Rei Wasu, short for Rei Endo Wasurerareta. I come from a tribe far away from your lands, called Izana. It is a tribe full of forgotten ones.”

“What do you mean forgotten ones?” Grim asked.

“Some of us have lineage from the Ancients, however some of us have different origins. We are all called forgotten, because the place we came from ostracized us. We did not act like the greater majority. We were different. I was born blind and my parents were hunted and killed. I am much older than I look Grim. My original village did not believe I was good, I was evil. The blindness was a deformity in their eyes. It was unclean and sinister. They thought the Gods did not bless me, but curse me. However, do not get me wrong Grim Mortbane; your gods are our gods. Nevertheless, there are more gods then you think.”

“Where am I?” Grim asked looking bewildered. “You are nowhere Grim.”
“Rei I told you stop the metaphorical speeches.”

“I speak only the truth Grim, You are nowhere, and this place in your terms is called Utopia. It lies within the darkness and around the light. There are many races that find salvation within its walls.”

Just then a blaze of chromatic glow covered the sky and Grim saw the most magnificent thing. Huge pillar-like structures made from gorgeous sheets of metal towering over vast landmasses and structures. Clocklike buildings spun in a refined fashion.

“That is called the Planes of Jenis, Grim. It is named after an old ritualist.”

Glass and metal combined, each entwined together. Grim could see vast glass tunnels and tubes, each light lit up, giving a vibrating tickle in the air. There were many creatures foreign to Grim. He saw creatures big and small. There was a cow looking creature walking on one hoof, with a pole stuck between its ears. A man with the body of a horse was singing while playing a string like instrument. He looked like Zhed Shadowhoff, but different.

Grim watched little creatures that Rei called cloud chasers, or Usi, as they are properly addressed, dance playfully in the wind. They each resembled small cherubim or fairies. There were numerous stores and merchants selling unique items. Rei took him to a merchant named Itzcoatl, who showed Grim a plant that could heal any sickness. He then gave Grim a few seeds to keep. Rei spoke more about the place and showed Grim around until he was brought to Anthony. Anthony had a look of gratification on his face as he saw Grim.

“Grim this is the coolest place ever; the women are weird looking but hot nonetheless. Where have you been?” Grim smiled and patted Anthony on the shoulder. He was quite relieved to see his friend in good shape. Rei also brought Chi-Fang and Qinshang, and the man from the tavern with his phoenix. In addition, to Grim’s surprise Darkclaw was sitting down, growling at passers. They all moved into a secluded area of the city. There were huge leaves overlooking them and shielding them from the three suns. They each sat down and Rei then spoke.

“You all are here, because there is threat among the worlds. There is a dark legion known as The Omnipresence. They have a vow to destroy the light, or seekers of salvation. They plan to corrupt the minds of various individuals. Most of which are high rank officials. They want alliances broken and wars started. Anthony didn’t look impressed.

“How do we know you don’t work with them? You kidnapped us and brought us here without our permission. I don’t believe you.”

“I must agree with the human, strange one, I don’t like this place, I don’t like you or these pitiful excuses for humans.” Darkclaw said while gazing at Grim.

“Evil is everywhere, in everyone. It needs to be channeled for it to do harm. I do not believe you understand the circumstances young Charr and elementalist. The dark legion will stop at nothing to start a war. As Charr you may crave for war, but would you like it if a war started within your family or within yourself.” Darkclaw said nothing. Then it came to Grim, Roan could be in danger. “Everyone and thing is in danger. Darkness cannot survive without the light and vice versa. You were chosen for your gifts and talents. You all were brought here not by me, but by someone else. And he has been awaiting your arrival. Let me introduce you to Shilo the Cronomancer.”

3 responses

30 05 2009
Stephanie L.

OMG…, this story is amazing, I luv it so much. So much detail, I thought I was there. And there wasn’t too many big words :P. It seemed like it was a real book. I could not even imagine how to write something like this. Whoever, wrote this is good. Too bad its not in the contest entries 😦

30 05 2009

Believe me, I felt the same, but trust that it won’t go unrewarded. 😉

31 05 2009

Koshi, dude this was awesome. I have a friend who acts just like Anthony 😉 It stood apart from the rest of the stories. Don’t get meh wrong I liked the others, but this one is different. I bet if it was an entry to would be in top three. Well anyways, good luck to all 🙂 And one more thing is there more 🙂

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